CoDa-session at Goldschmidt2025 Conference: Prague, July 2025

Dear members of the CoDa-Association,

You are cordially invited to submit an abstract for an oral or poster contribution to the scientific session 10f"Catchment biogeochemistry: from local variability to global principles, under Theme 10: Geochemistry of Terrestrial and Freshwater Systems for consideration at the next Goldschmidt2025 Conference that will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, from July 6 to 11, 2025.

Contributions applying CoDA methods to explore the biogeochemistry of river catchments are highly welcome!

Deadline for abstract submission: February 26!

The session is co-organized by:
  • Athena A. Nghiem - University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
  • Caterina Gozzi - University of Florence, Italy
  • Tanveer Dar  - National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India
  • Jolanda Reusser - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Axel Kleidon  - Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany
Session Description:
Many catchments worldwide are increasingly threatened by both natural and various anthropogenic stresses, such as changes in water resources management and climate change. These stresses reduce resilience and increase vulnerability to extreme events, making it crucial to understand the complex dynamics governing these natural systems. However, predicting the geochemical responses (e.g., major ions, trace elements, nutrients) of catchments to local and global changes is particularly challenging due to the heterogeneity of landscape features, non-linear geo-hydrological processes, surface-groundwater interactions, organized states far from equilibrium, and intricate biogeochemical cycles. To derive generalizable insights, it is essential to move beyond current understanding and employ new approaches to examine the sources of variability across multiple scales.

This session invites contributions that analyze catchments worldwide, highlight innovative methodologies, or explore their functional principles from a multidisciplinary perspective. Examples include:
  • Applications of computational multivariate methods developed under the CoDA (Compositional Data Analysis) theory
  • Studies involving trace elements (e.g., As, U, Pb, Hg) and nutrients (e.g., nitrate, phosphate, sulfate), which have health impacts from essential to toxic, depending on their concentration and speciation. To tackle exposure to toxic elements, it is important to understand larger scale trace elements mobility in and across reservoirs spanning from surface water, soils, vadose zone to groundwater.
  • Contributions that integrate and upscale lab, field, modeling and statistical methods to the catchment scale.
  • Investigations that explore the spatio-temporal variability of riverine media (e.g., river waters, stream sediments, suspended solids), with studies involving biological matrices, soil processes, and groundwater also welcomed.
For details, please visit:

We look forward to receiving your contribution and hope to see you in Prague!

The conveners,
Athena, Caterina, Tanveer, Jolanda and Axel