Council Election 2017: results


Results of Council election: published!

Dear all,

Elections to our next Council are over, and I want to thank you all for your participation, and in particular the candidates. We had a great list of people willing to promote actively our association. I want to thank also our Secretary General for guiding the process and in particular our Treasurer and Webmaster for setting up the webpage so that we could vote electronically. It was hard work. The list of members of our first elected Council is:


President:   Egozcue, Juan José
Secretary General:   Hron, Karel
Treasurer:    Martín-Fernández, Josep-Antoni
Vice-President:    Mateu-Figueras, Glòria
Councillors (2):   Buccianti, Antonella
    Palarea-Albaladejo, Javier


My heartfelt congratulations to all of them!

Looking forward to meeting you soon in Italy, where we will transfer the power to the new Council.


Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn

President CoDa-Association