Deadline extension: TWO SPECIAL ISSUES: CoDaWork2022


Special issues (NEW DEADLINE EXTENSION: November 30th)

The following journals have both agreed to publish special issues with selected papers presented at CoDaWork2022. Both are open access and have no article processing charges.

  • SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions ( is listed at Journal Citation Reports (JCR) (impact factor 2021 1.76 – Q2 in Statistics & Probability category) and SCOPUS (SJR 0.37 - Q3). Guest editors: Germà Coenders and Javier Palarea-Albaladejo.(see PDF in the additional information)
  • The Austrian Journal of Statistics ( is listed at ESCI (JCI 0.33 -Q4) and SCOPUS (SJR 0.34 -Q3). Guest editors: Peter Filzmoser and Karel Hron. (see PDF in the additional information)

Poster and oral contributions are considered equally valuable and will be treated in the same way.

NEW DEADLINE EXTENSION: A specific call to submit papers to these special issues is open until November 30th, 2022.