CoDa-session at IAMG2019 !


International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG)

The International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG) will be holding its annual conference at State College, Pennsylvania, USA, 10−16 August 2019. Note that this date is earlier than previous conferences. IAMG2019 organizes a session dedicated to CoDa chaired by J.A. Martín-Fernández.

Some important information:

- Abstract submission: a 250 to 400-character abstract should be sent to the organizers. The deadline is 8 January 2019.

-- Results of the abstract evaluations will be announced on 4 February 2019. Once your abstract is accepted for presentation, you can submnit an extended abstract by 15 April (3‒5 pages long).

-- Once your extended abstract passes the peer-review process, it will be distributed among the participants. After the conference, the Editors-in-Chief of the IAMG journals will invite selected papers for publication.

Please do not hesitate to contact if you need more information. For more details about the conference, please visit

Additional information