Abstracts & Proceedings Submission

Poster and oral contributions are considered equally valuable and will be treated in the same way: abstract, extended abstract and certificate of participation. 


Abstract submission:

The Local Committee welcomes abstracts of contributions on the workshop topics.
The abstract will be due before February 6, 2022. It must follow the CoDaWork2022 template (ZIP at additional information).

Abstracts should not exceed 300 words, possibly complemented with some references, not exceeding one A4 page and not including figures or tables (see templates for LaTeX in the ZIP at additional information). In the submission, authors should indicate their preference for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts received before the deadline are evaluated by the Scientific Committee resulting in acceptance, review, or rejection. There is a limited number of time-slots for oral presentations (about 60). Accordingly, the Scientific Committee will also decide whether a contribution can be oral or has to be presented as a poster. Also due to the limited time for oral presentations, only one oral presentation will be accepted for each registered participant. However, each participant can co-author other oral presentations or send poster contributions. The collection of accepted abstracts will be published within the scientific program booklet (paperback).


  • Abstracts must be written in English. The file containing the abstract shall be in pdf format. Name the file starting with the last name of the first author, e.g. Smith-cdw2022.pdf.
  • Abstracts shall be sent by e-mail to Vera Pawlowsky (the link opens a mailto window). Note: we have noticed that some browsers automatically block pop-up windows. Send e-mail to Vera Pawlowsky with subject "Abstract-submission-CoDawork2022" .
  • Notification of abstract acceptance will be mailed by February 28, 2022.


Proceedings submission: after abstract acceptance

Once the abstract is accepted (either for oral or poster presentation), authors can extend their initial contribution including figures, tables, references and acknowledgements, thus completing an extended abstract (see templates for LaTeX in the ZIP at additional information). The collection of abstracts (extended or not) will be published in an electronic format as Proceedings of CoDaWork2022.

  • Extended abstracts must be written in English. The file containing the abstract shall be in pdf format. Name the file starting with the last name of the first author, e.g. Smith-cdw2022.pdf.
  • Extended abstracts shall be sent by e-mail to Vera Pawlowsky (the link opens a mailto window). Note: we have noticed that some browsers automatically block pop-up windows. Send e-mail to Vera Pawlowsky with subject "Extended-abstract-submission-CoDawork2022" .


Journal publication of selected paper:

The following journals have both agreed to publish special issues with selected papers presented at CoDaWork2022: 

Both are open access and have no article processing charges. Please, visit the menu program -> awards-publications for more information.